Saturday, March 28, 2009

How can I dream to achieve big?

With wings so light
I wanna fly so high
Above the world, above all
But all can I do sigh...

Dream dear they said
Dream to Achieve big
Why do you recline?
Then why God,
were my wings cut,
Before they learnt to fly?

With bleeding cut wings
I slither forward
Letting go the sky
And savouring the earth
Now happy I am
May not be above all
I am ahead of the world.


sun said...

u have a gift of expressing ur thoughts and feelings by words.these lines are good,feel proud about that.

i do not think u need advice or suggestions, u r strong. who need the wings if u have the will power to run ahead of the world.the last lines are particularly beautiful.

chinks said...


Anonymous said...

seems lik we think alike!!!

chinks said...

@atleast our posts say so!!

Suresh Kumar said...

Have u heard that song from Arshad warsi movie.... toota toota ek parinda....

Ur poem is also equally good... keep writing